Everyone can benefit from Cranial Fascial Therapy. This is the process from start to finish.
Initial Concern
Although most people have a particular pain or stress that leads them to have sessions for fascia balancing, everyone can benefit from this approach. If you or a loved one is seeking to have less pain, more well-being, greater flexibility, clearer thinking, or relief from any kind of trauma, having your fascia balanced may help.
What is Fascia?
Fascia is connective tissue that provides support & absorbs shock in all of life's situations. It connects to every cell in our body. When tension, stress, and injury appear in the body, the fascia is affected, tightness occurs, and overall system efficiency is compromised. In other words, every moment of stress or pain in our entire life can be held as a physical tension in the fascia. That’s why it is so important for every person to have their fascia balanced.
Your First Session
You can click the “schedule a session” button below to schedule your first session. You will be able to schedule & pay for your session online. You’ll also be able to fill out an intake form online. I work from a studio in my home, and you can use the address below. You can arrive at your scheduled time, since we will already have the intake form submitted. The session will take place fully clothed on a therapy table. I’ll be working with light touch, mostly around the head, hips, and sometimes hands and feet. I will be feeling for fascia tensions, and then helping them resolve and balance. Sessions include time to balance fascia on the table and time to discuss how you are feeling before and after.
How Much Does it Cost?
Each session is around 30 minutes and is $125.
How Many Sessions?
Every person will unwind at their own pace depending on age and severity of tension held in the body. Most people, from babies to older adults, will need about 3 sessions to balance the tension in the fascia and feel some measure of relief. For those that have chronic pain or acute situations, longer term care may be appropriate.